Easy Termite Bait™ Pod By 12 (1200g)
Easy Termite Bait™ Pod By 12 (1200g)
Easy Termite Bait™ is used in the Pod it is sold in and sealed to termite activity. This Pack should be enough for a large subterranean termite colony.
This pack contains;
1. Easy Termite Bait™ Pod 100g by 3 x 4
2. Easy Termite Bait™ Label x 4
3. User Manual x 4
4. Straw x 4
Subterranean termites are a very social insect and act together as a colony in all survival tasks. As a result we need to control them without any of their members feeling unwell or threatened or we will not be able to eradicate all members.
Easy Termite Bait™ Pod system is a method to pass less than a gram of poison (poison to termites, not us and our pets), throughout the colony and eradicate all members before the queen is aware of what is happening.
Once the queen is eliminated, the colony will not survive without any replacement members.
Colony eradication time and quantity of bait is dependent on the termite species and size of colony. On average we find 3 months and 6 by 100g pods is typical but can vary substantially.